October 24, 2009

Right of Resistance

The continuing failure of the international community to enforce its own laws and protect the people of Gaza demands that we, as private citizens, nonviolently intervene.
The Free Gaza Movement, the International Solidarity Movement and the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) Movement campaigns in the struggle for justice for Palestine.

The sad fact however is that the Americans–as much as they champion themselves as a “free people”–are in no better shape than the Palestinians. On the contrary, the American position is worse than that of the Palestinians. The Palestinians can identify the enemy–he is the one with the gun and blowing away their loved ones. They KNOW they are occupied and oppressed. They KNOW how Israel occupied Palestine, killed its inhabitants and forced the majority of those who survived the carnage out of their homes and lands to then live as strangers in refugee camps.

The Americans however, have no idea. Like a drug addict who thinks he feels great after shooting up, he does not realize he is a slave, to his substance and to his pusher. The history of how the Zionists’ controlled England is not shrouded in mystery. Through Jewish control of the British government the Balfour Declaration was drafted that “gave” the land of Palestine to the Jews after WWI, a land they did not own or possess.

“We must all become part of the resistance”

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