January 1, 2010

2010 Guide for the Behavior of Nations

By Adel – PeaceMaker
January 01, 2010

Excerpt from "Consider a New Ten Commandments for Nations

Moses gave us the Ten Commandments to guide our personal lives 3000 years ago. 2010 is perhaps a good time to develop a Ten Commandments to guide the behavior of Nations. Given the state of the World and the damage and chaos created by the so called War on Terrorism, we should consider an application of the universal truths of Moses to international behavior:

1) Thou shalt not kill nations: Nations must not be invaded, subjugated, dismembered or subjected to genocide. Only if there is a true and demonstrated need for self defense should one nation go to war with another.

2) Thou shalt not steal from nations: From trade “agreements” to reserve currency privileges to expensive loans, one nation must not lord its superior economic power over another.

3) Thou shalt not bear false witness against nations: The “news” of false witness must stop. It is too easy for a superpower to demonize a nation with its massive media technology, and to repeat over and over again its lies. It is time to tell the truth.

4) Thou shalt not take advantage of weaker nations: The strong should be helping the under-developed nations rather than gaining by their vulnerabilities.

5) Thou shalt not ignore the suffering of nations: Malnutrition, disease and illiteracy are rampant on our planet. The wealthy nations must do their part to eliminate these maladies. We have the power to make these problems extinct, only our self absorption holds us back.

6) Thou shalt not dishonor the father and mother of nations: The father and mother of all nations IS the father and mother of the whole human race. We are one species, one great family. Honor your common ancestors and respect all your cousins.

7) Thou shalt not interfere in the affairs of other nations: Nations must not manipulate sides in another nation’s internal conflict. A developed nation must not interfere in the cultural development of another nation by exporting its values. Each nation evolves in its own way at its own pace. Advice is acceptable but meddling is absolutely not acceptable.

8) Thou shalt not put nationalism above morality: Personal ethics and values have always superseded nationalism. But when morality and national action are one and the same, then we have “righteous” behavior that can change everything.

9) Thou shalt not disrespect the Gods of other nations: There are many religions, philosophies and Gods on this planet, we must respect then all.

10) Thou shalt not act as a superpower in a community of nations: We want neither the extremes of world chaos nor Imperialism Version 2.0. Nations like people need a community of free association and independent sovereignty. Without systems controlled by a superpower, nations can build mutual institutions supported by all.

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