February 1, 2010


By Adel – PeaceMaker
February 1, 2010

Confessions of Israeli and Zionist leaders makes very clear why the conflict started in Palestine over 60 years ago.

Over 700,000 Palestinians (more than half of the population at the time) were expelled in 1948, over 600 towns and villages were ethnically cleansed, and thousands were killed and maimed.

...the crimes continue to this day and so does the unjustified condoning attitude of the so called "civilized" governments of the world.

Below are some other quotes from influential Zionists and Israeli leaders that illustrate that Israel is a nation which was born in, expanded by and is maintained only by brutal and systematic policies of discrimination and ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Arab people since before 1948:

"…spirit the penniless population across the frontier by denying it employment... Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried away discreetly and circumspectly." -- Theodore Herzl, founder of the World Zionist Organization Complete Diaries, June 12, 1895 entry.

"We must expel Arabs and take their places." -- David Ben Gurion, future Prime Minister of Israel, 1937, Ben Gurion and the Palestine Arabs, Oxford University Press, 1985.

"It lies upon the people's shoulders to prepare for the war, but it lies upon the Israeli army to carry out the fight with the ultimate object of erecting the Israeli Empire." Moshe Dayan (Israel Defense and Foreign Minister), on February 12 1952. Radio Israel.

"How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to" -- Golda Meir, March 8, 1969

"If we thought that instead of 200 Palestinian fatalities, 2,000 dead would put an end to the fighting at a stroke, we would use much more force...." -- Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, quoted in Associated Press, November 16, 2000.

"We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own." -- Maurice Samuels (p.155) wrote in his book, You Gentiles.

"One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail." -- Rabbi Yaacov Perrin

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